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About The Author: David Wood
I'm a man who passionately and ridiculously loves his wife. I love to chill, have strange conversations, talk about wormholes, play music, fight the rise of oppressive jerks who have nothing better to do than get in the way of REAL PROGRESS, do Wing Chun Kung Fu, listen to Coast to Coast AM until I believe Shape Shifting Lizards are real... and I love to EMPOWER OTHERS and ask questions that cause people to shake the very foundational principles that hold their world together... I work from home, and coach people on how to build dynasties from their living room with nothing more than a computer, an internet connection, a pet lizard, and an all out passion to win. Enough of that, though... ...back to the lizards ---- I've always wanted to go back in time and see if there were any intelligent dinosaurs in the Jurassic period. (Not really) ??Anything else you