…this might sound a bit ‘off‘ from what a lot of people are saying, but I PROMISE you, that what I’m saying here is not only true, but when you really get it – I don’t think you’ll ever struggle to have money in your life again.
Let me define this for you…
When I say that making money is easy – I’m not saying it doesn’t involve work – what I am saying is that there should be no struggle involved in the process, and when you understand the flow of money and how to create income on demand, your income will ‘flow’ instead of having that feeling that you’re beating your forehead against a wall with nails in it…
Here’s how this post got inspired:
I was in an airport the other day, and got talking to a speech pathologist who is traveling through Costa Rica with some friends for the next month or two. After 2 or 3 minutes, she asked me what I do for a living, and I just decided to tell her the truth…
“I’m a drug dealer.”
After she got nervous, I laughed and said ‘kidding, seriously – what I do is EVEN better – I get paid to live like I want all day.’
We then started talking about economics, the government, the Federal Reserve System, and how the internet and instant communication fits into the future of the world.
(well, OK – it was me talking and her being bewildered by foreign concepts that almost no one understands…)
It became very clear to me in about 10 minutes, that this 35 year old gal had NO IDEA how the flow of money worked in the world, and it got me thinking…
…I wasn’t really able to create income on demand until I learned how the flow of money worked – and once I understood HOW it worked – I got rid of a bunch of silly concepts that were holding me back from creating what I wanted to create in my life.
Since that time – I’ve consistently made around $30,000 per month, and sometimes a lot more from my various businesses – and honestly, with very little struggle, it just ‘flows’.
So what the HECK did I learn?
Well, I was raised in a Mormon family, went on a mission, went to public school, my Grandpa was a University president for UAF in Fairbanks, Ak – and BOTH of my parents were exceptional students and products of the ‘system’ of the baby boomers…
…all of this nonsense resulted in me (along with the entire baby boomer generation – WHICH by the way, isn’t as true anymore, they are waking up to the real nature of what’s been happening to them in a BIG way right now) not understanding AT ALL the truth behind creating income.
I was raised with the philosophy that if I worked hard – I would be paid a fair wage for my labor – whether it is mental labor, as a product of my intellect and education, or whether it was physical labor (as a product of skipping school too much… lol)
In any case – it took me A LONG TIME to figure out that what I just described has absolutely nothing to do with how much money you’re going to have. Let me give you an example of how my personal stupidity resulted in a lot of poverty in my life:
I got involved in Amway in 2002, right after I was done being a Mormon missionary for 2 years in the British midlands. When I was a missionary – I had paid for all of my bills 2 years in advance, and the finances were managed by someone who was good with numbers (a mission accountant, essentially). My bills were paid from a central location that I didn’t manage, electricity, land-line (we weren’t allowed to have cell phones) and then about 40 pounds was direct deposited into my bank account every 2 weeks that was for ‘extra food’ when people didn’t feed us. (true story).
So I was completely free from financial burden, had my needs met all the time, never knew how much anything costs – and could focus on mission work (the point of the accountant guy – usually one of these guys manages about 300 missionaries).
I don’t know if I consciously thought this – or if it was an unconscious belief – but for some reason, when I got in Amway – I thought if I just ‘worked hard’ that I would have money mysteriously appear in my bank account.
NOT the case!
It’s funny – but if you’re an employee and you just ‘work hard’ you’re pretty much guaranteed a set wage as long as you have a job and perform – but employee’s rarely think about where the money for that wage comes from, that it has to come from several things:
1. Money changing hands from one person to another
2. Profit being generated from the difference between cost of goods and the revenue created.
3. BAMB! There’s now money to pay the employees, and hopefully some left over at the end of the month for the boss! (otherwise, you ain’t going to have that job for long)
Let me tell you the important part of that scenario though – that is the KEY indicator of a successful business: